It is with great sadness that we have to tell visitors that Ann passed away on 20th April 2007

She suffered after a car accident, and after coping with other medical difficulties, spent her final three weeks in hospital.

We thank the staff of the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff for all their care and attention

Menieres Disease itself is not fatal, but Ann had other complications made worse by the weaknesses it causes.

It is a sad loss to her family, friends and aquaintences

There is an album of Photo's of the flowers, etc. here....

And here is an album of pictures of Ann...

Welcome to my world!

Hi! - I'm Ann Gwenlan, and I suffer from "Ménières Disease" - here's me trying to walk down the road........

{short description of image}

This site has been developed in order for others to understand (hopefully) what a Ménières suffer has to endure