Rev. And Mrs. Willis Return To The Orient

AFTER spending a number of years in most effective service as General Deputational Secretary for Great Britain, Rev. Willis has returned to the Orient. Some years ago, with Mrs. Willis, he had to leave a very happy service in onr Korea Bible Institute and return to the homeland on account of a serious breakdown in the health of Mrs. Willis. However, we rejoice that now her health is such that she is able to accompany him back to the field at this time and we know that their service here is going to be a mighty blessing to the work as well as an uplift to their own souls, and will make them more able to effectively represent the needs of these great fields on their return to their duties in the homeland.

Their arrival in the Orient was just in time for Brother Willis to be one of the speakers in an autumn convention of our work in Japan. Workers and Christians had gathered in Tokio frommany of the interior mission stations; so that the opportunity was great to wield an influence that would go to the far interior of that land.

From Japan they rushed to Korea where without a chance to rest, they have plunged into a series of conventions on our various districts. We are earnestly praying that glorious revivals may be resultant in every place they touch.

After a number of weeks in Korea they will stop for a five days' convention in Shanghai, en route to Peiping, North China. They will be located in our Bible Institute there for the school year, teaching in the place of Brother and Sister Woods who are now on furlough.

Their stay on the field will be for at least a year and we are expecting them to touch all of our main centers. Your very special prayers for them will be needed as a strenuous program has been made out. You have prayed for them in their work at home, but will you not covenant to pray more earnestly now as they labor out here? They have come at no little personal sacrifice as they have left a beautiful family of eight children in a Christian school in Wales. As you pray for Brother and Sister Willis, will you not also include their family at home?
